AR - Reality Interface between Humans and Machines

Augmented reality (AR) enables a new information-delivery paradigm by superimposing digital 3D information into the 3D physical world of the user, which accelerates the learning and understanding of a specific task at hand. AR is powerful because it aims to reduce the cognitive distance (i.e., the gap between the form that information is presented and the context in which it is applied) and minimize cognitive load (i.e., the mental effort required to process a given type of information). Though still in its infancy, AR is poised to enter the mainstream - (HBR, Why Every Organization Needs an Augmented Reality Strategy, November-December 2017).

AR improves how users visualize and access information from smart, connected products (SCPs) spreading within our houses and workplaces - how we receive and follow instructions and guidance from these devices and even interact with and control them. For instance, AR experiences can provide contextual information in real-time, step-by-step visuals by displaying 3D content in the physical world. The chance of executing a task correctly for the first time and with less time sharply increases. At Boeing, AR training had a dramatic positive impact on productivity and quality. For example, trainees completed the work assembly of a complex aircraft wing section in 35% less time than trainees using traditional 2D work instruction, and 90% did it correctly for the first time with little or no experience.

How AR creates Value

AR creates business value in two ways:

  1. by becoming part of the product themselves, and

  2. by improving performance across the value chain.

The AR product feature plays a growing influence on design interface and ergonomics - how to convey important operational and safety information to the users becomes a key point of differentiation. Wearables such as smart glasses are a breakthrough that enables wide-ranging applications for all sectors. Manufacturers must carefully consider the disruptive impact that this next-gen interface will have on their product offering and competitive positioning. It’s critical to present 3D digital information in an easy-to-absorb way and act on it - simplicity is the challenge. Novel skills are necessary to create and manage the right content. Digital modeling capabilities and knowledge of how to apply them in AR are also essential. The powerful combination of AI 3D object detection/classification with AR technologies will unlock the highest value AR experiences for the users.